At Olmec Advanced Materials, we pride ourselves in ethical and safe practice in all aspects of our business.
Olmec Advanced Materials Limited expects and supports its employees in ensuring that they act professionally and with integrity in relation to their dealings with business partners. As a whole Olmec’s values reflect respectful conduct both internally and in external dealings.
This refers to all relationships including those with customers; suppliers; intermediaries; referrers of business; contractors; distributors; agents; advisers, government and public bodies.
We outline environmental, safety and human rights based policies here in order to exhibit full transparency. These codes of conduct maintain a high standard of environmental, social and governance principles which we invite our customers and suppliers to both recognise and conform with. We expect that our customers, suppliers and internal employees:
- Adhere to sound principles for the protection of the environment, implementing steps to minimise pollution and emissions and to avoid the degradation of the environment through commodity extraction, production, transportation, conversion or consumption activities.
- Adhere to and comply with applicable jurisdictional laws.
- Consider the rights and dignity of employees, promoting equal opportunities in a respectful environment and with fair remuneration without discrimination, abuse, duress or harassment. To implement and maintain high standards of occupational health and safety for the protection of employees.
- Prohibit Child Labour and Modern Slavery in all its forms.
- Conduct business in an ethical manner, stamping out money laundering and adopting robust Anti-Bribery measures.
- Adhere to taxation and fiscal requirements and to apply a responsible Taxation Strategy.
Paul Lancaster, M.D.